Nitrogen Cycle Summary Know all about Nitrogen Cycle

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1️⃣ Step 1: N2 Fixing ✅ Nitrogen (N2) from the atmosphere is converted into Ammonia (NH3) or Ammonium Ions (NH4+) by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. 2️⃣ Step 2: Nitrification ✅ Ammonia (NH3) or Ammonium Ions (NH4+) are converted into Nitrite (NO2–) and then into Nitrate (NO3–) by nitrifying bacteria. 3️⃣ Step 3: Ammonification ✅ Dead organic matter and animal waste (like urea and uric acid) decompose, releasing Ammonia (NH3) or Ammonium Ions (NH4+). ✅ Most of the ammonia escapes into the atmosphere. The rest undergoes nitrification (Step 2) and becomes nitrate. 4️⃣ Step 4: Denitrification ✅ Nitrate (NO3–) is converted back into atmospheric Nitrogen (N2) by denitrifying bacteria. Summary Flow Nitrogen (N2) → Ammonia/Ammonium Ions (NH3/NH4+) → Nitrite (NO2–) → Nitrate (NO3–) → Denitrification → Nitrogen (N2)