Total Questions: 10
Total Time: 450 seconds
Marking Scheme: Correct answer +1, Wrong answer -0.25
Question 1: Who has become the Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha?
Question 2: Who has become the Secretary General of NATO?
Question 3: India's first Global Centre for Enterprise Risk Management has been set up in which state?
Question 4: Who has launched the National Stop Diarrhoea Campaign 2024?
Question 5: 'Khalubar War Memorial' is located in which state? Which is in the Union Territory which has been opened by the Indian Army for Tourists?
Question 6: Which State's assembly has passed a resolution to change the name of the state for the second time?
Question 7: Who has become the world's number one para badminton player?
Question 8: Which country has been declared a non-NATO ally by the US?
Question 9: 'Bilan Media' has been given One World Media Press Freedom Award 2024, it belongs to which country?
Question 10: Soborno Issac Bari has become the world's youngest graduate. How old is he?