Total Questions: 11
Total Time: 495 seconds
Marking Scheme: Correct answer +1, Wrong answer -0.25
Question 1: Who has won the IPL 2024 ttitle?
Question 2: Who has become the first Indian to win the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival?
Question 3: What is the rank of Delhi among Indian cities in the Global Cities Index 2024?
Question 4: Who has launched the world's first 100% biodegradable pen?
Question 5: Which Country has launched an AI Model based on Xi Jinping's philosophy?
Question 6: Who was Sikandar Bharti who passed away recently?
Question 7: In which country wil India's RuPay service be launched?
Question 8: Which medal has been won by the Indian women's team in the Archery compound in stage-2 of the Archery World Cup?
Question 9: Where has the wreckage of USS Harder, one of the America's most famous submarines, been found after 80 years?
Question 10: Klaus Schwab will step dowm from the executive role of the World Economic Forum (WEF) by which year?
Question 11: What are Krish and Bhumi that have been in the news anchor?