Total Questions: 10
Total Time: 450 seconds
Marking Scheme: Correct answer +1, Wrong answer -0.25
Question 1: Which state has become the first one to adopt an action plan for road safety for 10 years?
Question 2: When is World Population Day celebrated?
Question 3: The 16th finance Commission has constituted a 5-member advisory council. Who is its Chairman?
Question 4: Where has the ''Grow with the Trees'' plantation campaign been lauched by BSF?
Question 5: Who has been appointed by the pricipal Advisor for National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme in the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare?
Question 6: World's first Miss AI' Kenza Leli' has become she belongs to which country?
Question 7: Which space agency has lauched the Ariana-6 rocket?
Question 8: Recently how many countries have declared biosphere reserve by UNESCO?
Question 9: Who will lead the Indian Parliamentary Delegation at the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum?
Question 10: Who has become the main sponsor of Team India in Paris Olympics 2024?