Total Questions: 6
Total Time: 270 seconds
Marking Scheme: Correct answer +1, Wrong answer -0.25
Question 1: Duma Boko has become the President of which country
Question 2: Where will the Asian Buddhist Summit 2024 be held?
Question 3: In which State has the Deepam 2.0 Scheme launched?
Question 4: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय श्रम संगठन की 352वीं गर्वनिंग बॉडी मीटिंग कहा ं आयोजित की गई है? | Where was the 352nd Governing Body Meeting of International Labour Organization held?
Question 5: 'बलि पद्यामी' का त्यौहार किस राज्य में मनाया गया है? | The festival of 'Bali Padyami' is celebrated in which state?
Question 6: गुजराती नववर्ष (बेस्टु वरस) कब मनाया गया है? | When is Gujarati New Year (Bestu Varas) celebrated?